He is the one who loves me the most
He is the one who fights with me the hardest
He is the one who listens to all my nonsense
He is the one who lends me his shoulder when I need to cry
He shares my laughter, jokes and happiness
He fights with me in my crusade for justice
He smiles when I hurt him purposely
He opens up his arms when he sees me from a distance
He is there for the last 20 years in my life
He knows me better than I myself do
He waited for me patiently when I was partying with my friends
He expects nothing from our relation
He is good, kind and a darling
He is a “Dude’ and he laughs when I call him so
He is caring and knows his mind
He never called me a “Babe”
He stood by me in thick n thin
He stood by me when no one was there
He pushed me to be happy when I am sad
He pulled me down to earth when I was flying
He is the one who helped me grow better
He is the one who made me stronger
He is the one just right for me
He is the one who crowned me Princess…
He is my SOUL MATE
Many thanks my dear Blue, to show me so many hues of your color…without you I will be lost…
Beautiful words written in honour of your soulmate. Marvellous.
He is your soulmate,
He is your breath,
He is your life,
He is your beat,
He is your soulmate,
He made you recognize,
Who you are...
He made you feel,
What you are...
He made you do...
What you wanted to do...
He made you fly,
When you wanted wings...
He made you carry in arms,
When you wanted to cross the bridge...
He lifted you up to the sky,
When you wanted to touch the skies...
He made you realize,
The Lovely Princess you are...
He is your soulmate,
Your soul merged in The Soul He carries for you...
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