Friday, February 09, 2007

I have plenty of Friends

Being a Sagittarius, I make plenty of friends all the time. And being a Sagittarius, I even call an acquaintance my friend!

My relationship with most of them last a life time. No, I am not the universal friend who sleeps, breaths and lives friendship…I simply understand each one them just a little to well.

Over the years that I have seen people (and called them my Friends) I have discovered that there are actually different kinds of them available. Since I didn’t have much work to do today (as if I always work!), I made a list of them. I would really like to know what you think of this J

Here is the list of different kinds of ‘friends’ (strictly my understanding)

“Will have fun, but don’t ask for help” – the most common of the species
“I will be your friend so long I get something from you” – a plenty of them
“I am all eyes and ears to you but can’t wait to vomit them on others as soon as you leave” even guys!
“Friendship! Who cares? Lets sleep..” – The easiest ones to find
“I am jealous of you, that’s why I am your friend” – My God!
“Will stand by you whatever happens” - a very few
“Will give you a patient hearing to all your stories without passing any judgment” – very very rare
“the soul mate” – I found and lost L

At present, I am surrounded by all them except the last one. And the things that I have learnt from them are that, you need all these types of friends in your life, because they not only add variety to your life, but they also provide you with a crash course in recognizing people whom you otherwise meet or deal with.

Besides, you can always pick and chose the one for a day depending your mood and requirements…see, I have already learnt quite a lot !!!!

What do you think ?


Nilanjan said...

nice blog buddy....may i know who this lucky soulmate is whom u found and lost??....anyways...both this blog and the one with rainbows...are nice....very very apt in these conditions:)

suresh said...

i didn't find mention of my friendship category in ur blog.
So, if there can b KBC 2, KBC 3, Dhoom 2 etc, let there be "I have plenty of Friends - 2" also. Now u realise, there are friends who are perfectionists & believe in fine tuning too!

Unknown said...

may you have many more friends..cause you deserve the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.