I am seeing this forward from WhatsApp (as someone claimed) and / or somewhere else where personal lives of people (read people in media) are being discussed and being put under microscope to prove that these media people are acting with the Congress to prove India is no more secular and has turned communal.
I have just two things to say here:
1. When did the ruling party and its allied organizations become scared of media? I know they are using media (digital and conventional, to earn their 15 mins regularly).
2. If I was not disgusted earlier with whatever is happening, I am really disgusted at thinking what kind of people do such personal attacks on others? I know, 99% of our political office bearers, their chamchaas and their ass lickers are uneducated, crude, and gross, and I also understand in politics, people go to any extent to mud and shit throwing; but I am appalled at the so called educated, intelligent, cream of the society / region / nation who not only read such absolutely disgusting things but also forward them in their own profile here in FB (and otherwise) or simply copy paste them as their own post / thought!
Why can't we debate on a subject, a topic, an idea or a thought and not get personal? Why we, as a nation, has still not learnt to debate on a topic without personal attacks? Why are we not respectful to others' opinions and have to always demonstrate disrespect the moment someone says something that we do not believe in?
We can't expect that from our political parties and their chairholders. But, we as individuals, as rational and educated being, have to do that. After all, what is the value of our degrees, if we don't know how to properly disagree with what we don't agree. Why we are so uncouth? Why are we so irrational? Why are we so resentful of people who are not like us?
Where are the people who can think originally without being brainwashed by others?
I am not just pissed, I am scared. If we don't have original thinkers in our country any more, we are doomed. For good. We shall never be the country we thought we were and aspire it would be one day again.
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