Friday, December 15, 2006

What is Spirituality?

I started thinking on this subject since I started reading the Times of India today. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has some interesting articles where he mentions that spirituality should now move out of religion or our house and move to board rooms, offices, factories, etc.

The little that I understand of Hinduism, which unlike all other religions, is actually not a religion with set rules and regulations to follow, but a more holistic way of life,
is more about spirituality than about religion.

According to Swami Vivekananda spirituality is not same as religion. In fact, spirituality is more of a philosophy, a basis of each individual’s vision and mission in life. National Cancer Institute of USA describes spirituality in a very beautiful away - “Spirituality may be defined as an individual's sense of peace, purpose, and connection to others, and beliefs about the meaning of life.”

To make it simple, when a dancer performs in front of an audience and devotes completely at it, it is her spiritualism. When a high profile executive on his occasional walk on the road helps a newspaper man in collecting the newspapers which have scattered on the road - is also spiritualism. Spiritualism is also when a little boy gives away his ice cream to a street girl or a son’s sense of happiness while giving his first salary check to his parents…

Therefore, spirituality is something that touches us everyday in each small thing that we do, and when by doing that, we add a little love, fun, laughter, caring, sharing understanding, respect, etc to some one else’s life.

If that is so, do we need to carry it forward from one place to another as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar suggests?

Or, we need to be more aware of our daily spiritual needs to connect to the outside world in a better way? And when everybody starts practicing this, may be we could make a small step towards a more peaceful world…

I don’t want this to be a wishful thinking, but a spiritual one!


Anonymous said...

The word spirituality means relating to soul or spirit.The words soul means consciousness or will.The word spirit too means life force of an individual,or his will,his consciousness.So,the word may as well mean "pertaining to consciousness".One thing which I don't understand is why people consider an act of charity or sending ones hard earned check to parents as a spiritual act of the highest order.Why only such acts come up in the mind first?Isn't an act of achievement the most spiritual of acts?

Anonymous said...

true charity is based on love which does not want anything in return. It is from a realization that all is one.

Achievement is for the ego. The spirit already knows it is perfect and hence it doesnt want anything .

Prasobh said...

I have written a blog on the topic

... said...

midway te poray acchi.
Midway on life - Midway on you blog

Life is about filling the dots. On the reverse direction. You get something wishful enough and u count the unfulfilled wishes of the past and also count the effort you had put into. Sometimes evident. Sometimes in a subtle disguised fashion.

Its still not clear to me about the concept of spirituality. But for all those who understand it, I've a question - henceforth the question passes to you now.

"Do spirituallity push ourselves to a better life or push ourselves to a better excuse for all unsuccessful endeavors"

As we always turn to it when we are not close to pursuit of happiness.....

Bhumi Suta said...

Ocean Blue, U r confused between Spirituality and Religion. U dont pursue it...u carry it with you. Its not something u can long for when u r nt happy... its something which makes u happy because u have it... i suggest u read Vivekananda's writings..

Unknown said...

If you want know actual meaning of spirituality, please come to nearer ISKCON temple. And ask devotees of krishna about the spiriutuality. Donot speculate from universal truth and sanathana dharma.
Your well wisher.