Friday, August 25, 2006

The Accident and the way it is

I met with an accident on 22 July. The car I was traveling lost control and went and hit a man sitting on a concrete slab. The driver and the man outside were seriously injuired, started bleeding heavily and were rushed to the hospital.

And poor me! The stuck position that I was in (between the two front seats), I had to recover myself from that state, open the door and come out on the pavement. My trouser was torn, my nose bleeding from cut and my left foot twisted. There were men surrounding us, but strangely no one came to my rescue… until couple of girls who came down from their houses and helped me to sit, wash, and call my friends to take me to hospital.

The thought hit me later. Why is it that not a single man came to help me? Everyone was watching me with very keen eyes, watching what I was doing, watching that I could not stand on my feet when I climbed down the shattered car…and yet, none of them stretched their hand to help.

I have no clue, may be that’s the way it is, always…


archit said...

get well soon...
well nt every1z like me so dont expect all guys to be as chivalarous as I am...
pass me ur #...

Ram Iyer said...

i've seen the same attitude even in chennai. people never come forward to help. here they dont even stare, they simply drive away.

one city where i've seen people help is bombay.