Thursday, May 25, 2006

SCM and beyond

wow! i survived upto today to the world of blog!

now, i got a response on my yesterday's scrap, I guess the writer is a software professional. Ok, let me clarify, by SCM I didnot, absolutely, meant IT/software related developments or opportunities! Supply Chain Management is simply the constant search for improving the way you get the basic components that you need to make your product or service. So, I meant the whole lot of back-end services, which has the possibility to become a multi billion dollar industry by itself in India, that is required for each and every organization - it could include IT, raw materials, packaging, transportation, warehousing, etc.

Let us take for example of a big retailer who wants to have vegetables, as a private label, sold through his hypermarket. So, how does he source them? Should he go and talk to the nearest vegetable market? or the nearest farmer? how is he going to supply this to all his 50 outlets accross the country? How is this to be packed, transported or warehoused? How does he make sure he has the best and the fresh vegetables everyday at his store?

Now think about it? Does it make sense?


Myjournal said...

true ! very true. During the 1950's after the world war phase, A certain generation was born. Called the baby bloomers. As they grew, the related sectors in the market grew. Eg while they were in their teens, food and hangout places like like KFC, Mc Donalds recorded the fastest growth ever in the history of their organisation. As the baby bloomers reached mid 30's, the real estate business recorded the highest sales ever !
Now. Consider India. Generation X rules. We have the spending capacity. So the hangout places like Coffee day n barista are doing well. The real estate business is starting to scale new heights. Same goes with Supply Chain Management. The next 20 years is the time to study and invest in such markets. Thats where the money is !

Anonymous said...

You are not similar to the expert :)

Anonymous said...

Completely I share your opinion. Idea excellent, I support.

Anonymous said...

Excuse, I have removed this phrase

Anonymous said...

The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

Anonymous said...

I regret, but nothing can be made.