What do we live for? Love, career, relations, passion, respect, recognition… or just like that!
There are various reasons for which people live. Some live for themselves, some live for others; and there are some who are made to live by others. That’s a rather complicated one.
Going back to my reflection of life sometimes back, where I was forced to observe relations as selfish means to satisfy such relationships’ requirements, I once again reinforce my understandings. I am sure, not all people are as unfortunate or fortunate like me - either they have never tasted such salty relations, or they have been burdened to live a life manipulated by others – but, sadly, there are quite a few.
I live in a man’s world. Though as an independent, self reliant woman of toady, I would feel ashamed to accept such a scenario, but that’s the fact. And such men in my world are not only my father, brother, uncle, boyfriends, colleagues, relatives, neighbor or business associates, but also my mother, sisters, girl friends, etc. I told you – it’s rather complicated. These women in my life are creating a fiasco in my world not because that’s what they want to do, but simply because their entire existence have made them believe that you live for your men – so if that means acting selfish even with your daughter, son or the neighbor, be it so! I have seen mothers with differentiated treatments towards their son or daughter depending on who earns more at a given point of time. That’s not strange, that has simply made me accept lots of things in my life. And at the same time challenge quite a few.
Let’s get back to those few who are made to live by others. But why do they do so? Reasons could be many - to be appreciated, to be accepted, to get attention, love, care, etc. Certainly such acts are not considered the smartest of one’s act for the simple reason that when she lets others manipulate her life, that other is doing so only for their own benefits. Therefore, there cannot be appreciation, acceptance, love, care etc; but more manipulation, more self pity and more trying-too-hard.
To go back a step further, how does this start happening? Aha! That’s an interesting one. It simply happens when one person passes on his troubles and problems to another and then simply sits, cribs and enjoys the other person’s situation – a poor fellow burdened with the problems of her own life and that of others! How silly! She deserves to be manipulated.